Check out these money for sex images:
Malingering bares all for male sex organs

Image by Malingering
Okay, not all. Just most.
I am participating in a nationwide fundraiser to fight the good fight against prostate cancer. My grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago and fought a hard battle to overcome the disease, and he kicked its ass. Now I'm trying to do my part, and I'm dedicating this to him.
If you have any questions, e-mail me. Or if you know anyone with extra money who has been looking for a good cause to donate to, feel free to forward this on to whomever you'd like.
The workout is a very grueling 20 minutes of exercise. It's basically one minute of rowing (on the erg), one minute of weightlifting (push press with a 55 pound barbell), one minute of throwing a 14 pound ball up to an 8 foot target, another minute of weight lifting (dead lift high pull with the 55 pound barbell), and then one minute of jumping onto (and off of) a 2 foot high wooden box. And then you do it again. And again.
More info - and video - here.
Also if you can't give any money but you still want to be supportive, you can volunteer to carry me around for the weekend of Sept 29th as I feel pretty certain that I won't be able to walk for several days following the workout and may require someone to feed me and quite possibly bathe me as well.
Donations can be made here (if that doesn't work, try this).
P.S. This is my "new" body after 4 months of Crossfit and 2 weeks of the Zone Diet. Biweekly updates to follow.

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